Suicide Prevention and Community Education Services
At VOA Illinois, we are committed to creating lasting solutions, support networks, and purpose in partnership with those who are at risk of suicide. Through the SSG Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, we provide suicide prevention and community education services (SPACES). We provide SPACES for healing, growth, and connection.
In the VOA Illinois SPACES program, we partner with those we serve to build long-term supports that act as protective factors from suicide risk, while simultaneously reducing suicide risk factors.
Services We Provide
All services are available in Cook and Will Counties, Illinois and Lake and Porter Counties, Indiana.
- Veteran peer support
- Veteran support groups
- Community suicide prevention education
- Case management
- Referrals to counseling and therapy
- Assistance in navigating VA healthcare system
- Referrals and assistance accessing:
- Legal resources
- Housing supports
- Employment training
- Benefits navigation
- Income supports
- Transportation assistance
- Child care assistance
- Social support groups
- Substance use disorder recovery programming
We provide certified safeTALK suicide prevention training to groups by request. If you or your organization are interested in participating, please contact us at to inquire about upcoming course opportunities.
For more information on the SPACES program, please contact the SPACES team at, or call 312-564-2300.
Robert Coffee
Director of Veterans Suicide Prevention
Robert Hopper
Training & Peer Support Manager