Did you know there are 17,000 children in foster care in Illinois?
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities who work together to prevent child abuse and neglect. VOA Illinois is dedicated to providing the children we serve with a safe, nurturing, and happy home. Pinwheels are the national symbol that represent hope for every child to grow up in a home free of abuse and neglect.
Will you join us by helping to raise awareness and funds for the children we serve in our child welfare services program? All funds raised will go directly to helping provide brighter future for the children we serve.
How Can I Help?
- Donate today
- Begin the process of becoming a foster parent
- Wear blue of April 3rd to show support of children and to spread the word about ending abuse
- Spread the word about child abuse prevention and attend a virtual event
Interested in opening your heart and home to a child in foster care who desperately needs stability? Please call
Phone: (312) 564-2400 Fax: 312-564-2301 Email: info@voail.org